Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Well, we all feel a bunch better after a good night's sleep! I spent the day working a clinic for Asia's Hope people working with a Cambodian doctor. He then drove me all around town to meet governmental people to arrange for immunizations which the government will provide. It looks as though we can get limited ones from them, and will have to work out how much more we should/can afford to give. More paperwork! For those in the know, Rozlynn Rogers has been a great help as well. After we get this all scheduled,we will need to really put the pedal to the metal to get it done!!

Bobbi was out doing either a little sightseeing or visiting the Christian school. Then they were to go to visit the new Phnom Penh orphanage. She'll be ecstatic after that visit! I'm sure she will have more to say.

We remain healthy -- please continue your prayers for that. We have much to do in so little time. We appreciate all your encouragements and prayers!

More later ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

I am delighted you arrived safely in Cambodia. Wish I could be there with you to see all the beautiful faces of the young people at the Student Centers. Please, give them my love.

Have a blessed time!

Ivanildo Trindade

8:07 PM EDT  

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