Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back Home

Well, we have returned to the US. Jet lag is about lagged-out, and I am asking less and less, "keep the rice, where's the beef?".

As you could no doubt tell, the trip was fantastic and undeniably God-directed! For five weeks, we worked hard, met new people, planned new partnerships and projects, strategized about Asia's Hope's future in SE Asia, and sat back marveling, watching God work!

The leadership of Asia's Hope feel that we are at a time of great potential for growth, ministry, and service in SE Asia! This trip has taught us that God has plans for His people in Cambodia and Thailand, and that Asia's Hope is a part of that plan. That means, of course, that YOU are a part of that plan as well.

The next trip will be departing about June 11th this summer. There will likely be two back-to-back teams going. There is much to look forward to and pray for. Pray that new alliances will work well together and bear much fruit, pray that we can discern God's will for new projects, pray for the potential team members (you??) and their preparation for this trip.

On a personal note, Kim (our eldest daughter), will be going to SE Asia this summer. She is working on putting together an Independent Study project for college credit; she will likely be there for eight weeks! I am excited about this; I think that she will have a great time and be able to put on paper some observations about the care of orphans and the very, very poor in Third World nations. Pray for this project as well.

And then ... Bobbi is also planning on going for a part of that time! It is exciting for she and I to share a passion for the works there; to be together working side-by-side!

So ... a lot for the Campbell family to digest and ponder. I want to thank you again for all your prayers and the encouragements during the trip. It would not be possible without these foundational helps. God hears and acts on your petitions.

Tune in for the next installment early June!


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